
#1MillionChildren is a donor collaborative that catalyzes multi-sectoral action and resources to ensure one million out-of-school children affected by conflict have access to education globally.

It links private-sector investment to community-based and local NGO partners; uses the resources, expertise, and networks of its donor partners; and increases awareness of the issue to create innovative, actionable, and efficient ways to give the most marginalized children access to the education they deserve and desperately need to survive and thrive.

We are facing the greatest

humanitarian crisis of modern history.

Business as usual is not enough. We need transformation and action.

people are being forced to flee
their homes every day
due to conflict or persecution

people are displaced
by war and conflict

children are out of school
due to conflict and violence

We must act now.


A bold new initiative

to secure education for one million children affected by conflict

Join us! Three ways to get involved.



Copyright © 2018 Million Children. All right reserved.